Monday, November 2, 2009

Polar Bear Club: Don't Hang up Your Fins Just Because it's Cold Outside!

You don't have to hang up your fins for the winter just because it's cold outside!

Certified divers are encouraged to join the Polar Bear Club for a dive on Sunday, November 22nd at 11 a.m. at Broadfoot Lake near Kearney. Due to scheduling conflicts, we didn't get to carve pumpkins in October, so if you'd like to carve a pumpkin, bring one along for this dive! Underwater pumpkin carving is fun, plus it's a hoot to be able to tell your coworkers on Monday that you carved a pumpkin underwater over the weekend.

To become a full-fledged member of the Polar Bear Club, you need to do four dives with the Polar Bears. Once you've met that goal, you'll be able to wear the coveted Polar Bear Club t-shirt and you'll get your name on the Polar Bear Club plaque on the dive shop wall!

Drysuit classes are available over the winter, so if you've been thinking about learning to dive dry, now's your chance. You'll need to pick up the book and DVD in the store. The class consists of the book/DVD, done at home, a pool session, and two open water dives.

Any questions about the Polar Bear Club? Give us a call at 402-420-6338 or e-mail

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