Saturday, August 15, 2009

Husker Divers at WITO

On Saturday, August 15th Husker Divers was pleased to be able to introduce some ladies to scuba at the Women in the Outdoors annual workshop weekend.

Held at Camp Carol Joy Holling near Ashland, Nebraska, the workshops at this event include outdoors skills like geocaching, game cleaning, turkey hunting, kayaking, Dutch oven cooking, various shooting disciplines, and, this year, scuba diving!

The particpants met their Husker Divers instructor at the pool. After an introduction to what is required to earn scuba certification and a presentation on what scuba diving has to offer, as well as info on trips and other opportunities, the ladies headed for poolside. There, they received an overview of the equipment used in scuba diving. All the equipment except one set was assembled ahead of time, but one set of equipment was reserved for the students to learn to assemble.

Once they'd donned wetsuits and gotten fitted for masks and fins, they jumped into the water and got into their scuba gear. This was an enthusiastic group of women, and they took to scuba easily, with very little nervousness. Before long they were breathing underwater like old pros.

After the class, the participants disassembled the equipment and helpfully carried it out to Husker Divers' trailer for transport back to the dive shop. Each person was talking about how cool the experience was. One highlight for several of them was getting to watch a passing rainshower from under the water's surface. They could see the rain hitting the water from underneath, and even hear it hit the surface of the pool.

This was a super fun experience for both the instructor and the particpants. We hope they'll stop by the dive shop and say hi sometime soon!


  1. WITO is an excellent opportunity to learn outdoor skills in a fun and laid-back environment. Thanks so much to those who participated in the scuba class! It was a pleasure to meet you and introduce you to scuba diving!

  2. The scuba class at WITO was a blast! It was easier than I expected, and SO much fun!
